Thursday, May 12, 2005


i went home around 11:30 today. the headache was with me through the night and stayed with me this morning. if you take enough stuff you can keep the pain tolerable, but only if you don't have to look at the computer or concentrate. on the third day of this i knew i couldn't get through the day. i told one of my supervisors and ended up crying. good thing she's a chick. i stayed long enough to go to a eurostar training and finish up a booking i was working on at the end of the day yesterday, then i went home.

i've just gotten up from a good 3 hour nap and i'm feeling somewhat human again. honestly, after a couple days of that you start to feel like you're losing your mind...and i don't have that much to spare. the fact that i'm hungry and not queasy is reassuring, and i'm not all trembly, thank God. i don't know how people who have chronic migranes go through life. i'll be 100% in another day, some people get them monthly. i can't imagine.

so thanks for kind words, texts and emails yesterday and today. i needed them.

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