Wednesday, May 18, 2005


today they moved me to another desk. Here's my old desk...

they moved me to a part of the call center they call the 'latin quarter' because it's where all the latin american booking agents sit. since i'll be training into latin in a few weeks i guess they moved me now so i'll be settled by then. it's a completely different world over here. for one thing i'm by a window. granted i only have a veiw of the 9th floors of the surrounding buildings, but it sure beats staring at the wall. it's a little disorienting being in a different desk. it's set up with the return area on my right, opposite of my old desk. i like it better though, since i'm right-handed and have to be constantly jotting things down.

we have cubicles, but they only have half-walls, which feels much more open. it takes me about half as long as most others to move my desk. i'm pretty organized (obsessively so, one might argue) and i hate clutter, so i don't have much around. by contrast, the chick that sits facing me has kitchy crap all over her cube. its oppressive. there's the back of a plastic construction man popping over the top of my monitor from his perch on hers. there's a wax turtle-candle on the dividing wall between us and every inch within view is covered in trinkets, charts, stacked books and snack food packages. for once i find myself wishing the cube walls were just a bit higher. check it out...

even with all the kitch in my view i'm still quite pleased with the new digs. maybe my 'streamlined decor' will have a positive impact on her life.

1 comment:

Globegirl said...

is that how you spell it? i'm the worst speller ever. spellcheck helps me save face most of the time, but then there's words like kitsch.

i'll pray for you. we spend so much time at work...workspace really does have an effect on the state of mind.

the interesting thing about the lady in front of me is that i prayed last summer that i would be made aware of who the christians were in the company, and later that week she started talking about her church and some promise keepers thing her husband was doing. it's a bit sad because she's one of the least respected people here, mostly because she's so negative.