Monday, June 20, 2005

happy day

today was so lovely. i got some stuff done around the house, had prayer time with good friends, caught up on blogs and email and stood outside in the most delicious storm of my life and watched an indescribable sunset forked with lightning and framed by the most intense glowing rainbow i've ever seen.

as if that's not enough, i found a bunch of my old poetry and watched the sunrise in edinburgh via a webcam.

things i'm thankful for today:

~the storm

~the rainbows (there were 2, one above the other)

~webcams that let me see places i long for

~friends that want to get together just to pray

~dove dark chocolates

~blogs...mine or other people's. i'm such a blog junkie.

~my bed

~my camera phone



Pam Hogeweide said...

that was an amazing storm, wasn't it? My whole family and I were outside just looking at the sky.

Hey, can I link your blog? I like it alot. You are a beautiful blogger.

Patrick said...

yes, we are all thankful for google