Monday, September 05, 2005

warning: girly post!

i never used to be girly. it's only in the last 3 to 3½ years i've even had pink in my wardrobe. i hate shaving my legs (some jerk woman-hater thought it up as a way to continually punish women for being women) and have never been one to pluck my brows...until recently.

i think my little girly spark has turned into a dragon. i didn't ever think the day would come where i'd be tweezing my brows, let alone waxing them. not that my brows didn't need it, but it just seemed like it was taking it too far to rip tiny hairs out of your face for the sake of beauty. but then i got new glasses, and the frames hit just at a place that seemeto accentuateee the scragglyness of my brows. i went back and forth about weather to use the cream that burns the little hairs off (my skin's pretty sensitive, so i was a bit nervous about that route) or to get the little wax kit and do it in one painfully quick yank.

why i decided to do it myself is still a mystery to me. i just didn't think it through. there's a nail salon a few miles from my house that only charges $8 or $10 for a brow wax, but i just grabbed the $7 kit at the store and decided to do it myself on saturday night, so i could let the irritated skin rest overnight.

i didn't get home until around 1am, but i was determined to do it before bed. so with everyone in the house sleeping upstairs i went to the little bathroom on the main floor and painted on the wax. it was messy and i had to keep microwaving the tube, but the worst was when i put on the little paper-cloth thing and tugged (in the opposite direction that the hairr grows). talk about pain! i must admit i cussed. and then i realize that the bushiest part of what i was trying to rip out of my head hadn't come off, so i had to re-do part of my brow! it was ridiculous. brow two waxed a bit better, but i still had to pluck a few the next day, and i have to pencil in a few spots. next time i'm going to the salon.


Pam Hogeweide said...

The price for beauty! Women around the world of all cultures have their beauty routines and secrets. I used to work in a Vietnamese refugee camp in Hong Kong and I watched a group of young women one time help remove the hair off of each other's arms. They would take thread and somehow hold it with their teeth and the other end with their hands and somehow create this thread-laser-scissors thing. One girl would hold it over another girl's arm and then let go of the thread from her teeth and then slice! The thread would whiz so fast and pluck all the hairs off in it's path of f the girl's arm. When they saw my arms, which looked like monkey arms compared to theirs they offered to help me out. I said Ok. When that thread plowed across my arm OUCH! I yelled and they all laughed. On my arm was a neat, clean patch of bare skin. They offered to continue but I told them, No, that's ok, really, I'm fine.

The wonderful rituals we women put ourselves through to look good, or at least better, or perhaps just less hairy. :-)

Anonymous said...

oh my...i tried that once and cried like a baby.

a couple years ago i went to cornerstone (the music festival) and all of us girls decided to wax before we left. i had to have a friend finish off my legs because i couldn't put myself through the pain.

Jake said...

man, I really hate waxing my legs.

er... uh... umm, gee, I really love Red Robin. You?