Monday, December 12, 2005

the phantom

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Phantom Lightning
Your Superpower is Psychic
Your Weakness is Men
Your Weapon is Your Thunder Bazooka
Your Mode of Transportation is Flying Saucer

there are some specific things in here that jben will find quite amusing. for one, check out my superpower. i knew that would be my superpower! also, the little picture of the superhero chick with the "p" on her outfit. that must be for 'psheena', and the "p" in psheena must be short for "phantom". nice, eh?

What's your Superhero Name?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Here is the Mexican Weed story I was telling you about..and despite its name it is funny and completely legal in all 50 states including Puerto Rico.