Saturday, August 16, 2008


It is most certainly time for me to play catch-up. I remember fondly the days of daily blogging, but that was two promotions ago, and now the nine-plus hours a day I spend at work are consumed with the average of 150 emails I get each day. Honestly, the last thing I want to do when I get home is sit down in front of my computer. I wish it weren't so, but it is. I'm hoping to get more into the blogging swing again. I'm working on motivating myself in that direction.

Since my last post I have had quite a lot going on. As I alluded to in my previous post, I did a road trip to Kansas with Kathleen and Renee. After settling back into my routine I moved the rest of my stuff out of my old apartment. I've also attended a few weddings (Jake & Rachel and Jeremy & Abby) and started a few baby blankets. My sister moved in with me, then to California, and the house in which I'm living began a kitchen remodel. At the end of September were going to be starting our program called equipPDX, but for several reasons (one being the remodeling at the house) we are postponing it until March. We could've been ready, but I welcome more time so I will feel even more ready.

So what's on the horizon for me this fall/winter? I'm just hoping to get some things tied down for equipPDX, and hopefully we (Living Stones/Father's House/Can We Help and a few others) can find a space downtown to have a prayer room and an operating center for the ministries that work with the homeless downtown. I'm looking for a laptop that is as pimped out as I want it to be at a price I can actually afford so I can start writing my books (I have two in my head that are starting to really nag me about getting written). Other than that I don't think there will be too much going on, so hopefully the upcoming (and more frequent) posts that I will be motivating myself to write will be about more interesting things than how busy I am.

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