Saturday, June 06, 2009


Today is my third monthiversary. Or maybe it was yesterday. It depends if you count March 4th, the day I left, or March 5th, the day I arrived. Regardless, it's a good excuse to make a cup of tea in my honor and in honor of the dozens and dozens of cups of tea I've had since I arrived, and the hundreds I have yet to drink.

To England!


Scot Bower said...

Happy Anniversary Sheena!

Emmm said...

First, Happy Anniversary to you :)

and Second -- i'm a random NYer and stumbled upon your blog from the 24/7 UK site...just wondering if you re-located to work in the prayer movement there and what is going on with all that...

i love the UK :)

I'm Emily (email is if you want to email me back. Cheerio!

SheaLuna said...

Happy late anniversary, chica! I'm coming up on my third, too, only for me it's the third YEAR anniversary. I really think I must throw a party dahling!