Wednesday, March 30, 2005


we had a dhop prayer time last night. it was so great to see everyone. we haven't gotten together in about 2 weeks so we're all acting like we're long-lost siblings. renee (our fearless leader) asked if anyone needed prayer, and i suddenly realized i did. until that moment i hadn't realized how overwhelmed i was really feeling with life, the wedding and the things i've been trying to work out with God. it was crazy how prophetic some of the prayers were. someone was just praying out a picture meant to be an analogy, but without knowing they had mentioned some key words that were the specific thing that has had me discouraged and overwhelmed. it was pretty cool.

i don't know how God can take this flawed bit of humanity that i am and make something that gives Him glory, but He promised that He can. i just have to choose to believe He makes all things beautiful...even me.

and on a practical note, i was able to use the gift card i won at work to pay for all but $5 of my shoes for the wedding. how great is that?

this week will work out just fine. just fine.

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