Monday, September 14, 2009


I recently realized that since I moved to the UK I've been much more interested in cooking than I have been for years. I'm not sure why exactly, but I suspect it has to do with the fact that I find myself cooking to share much more than I've done in a very long time. Now that I'm back home and awaiting visa stuff to come through, I'm not only still on a tight budget, but I'm trying to spend more time with people, so I've ended up spending "restaurant money" on groceries (a more frugal choice, as well) and am trying my hand at things I wouldn't have attempted before.

I do like food. I don't know anyone who doesn't. But I think I never wanted to be considered a "foodie" because I've always been 'curvy' (honestly, my curves have curves!), and I felt self-conscious about being a chubby girl that's into food. The past few years I've come around to realizing that good, healthy, wholesome food is food you prepare yourself, knowing what's in it and how fresh the ingredients are, etc... I am indulging in my domestic side and hoping that I get better at making yummy, healthy food that feeds both me and the people in my life.

There are some things I've really liked that I've made recently. Pesto. I have one word: Yummmmmmmm! Blueberry coffee cake, which was so/so, but I know what I can do to make it better next time. I can always add slow-cooker roasts to this list. They're so easy and yummy! I've also done a chicken curry simmer (also in the slow-cooker) with carrots, butternut squash and rice. Yesterday my friend Jov came over and I made my first cheese sauce (not quite so healthy!) for my first attempt at homemade macaroni and cheese, which I topped with pan-cooked chicken pieces, smothered in cheese and broiled until the cheese toasted. I served it with a salad and my super-yummy, low-fat secret recipe ranch dressing which is quite frankly good enough to eat.

I'm looking forward to the next season of my life for many reasons, but not the least of which is the challenge of coming back to the UK with my US cookbooks, my optimistic propensity for experimentation and cooking for my friends.

1 comment:

SheaLuna said...

Ah, yes. The joys of attempting to cook US recipes with UK measurements and ingredients! It's actually quite fun. :-)