Monday, June 21, 2010


I've certainly been keeping myself occupied since I last blogged. I'm ashamed to realize it's been two months since I last blogged, and so much has happened, but not the kinds of things that make very interesting blogging. In the two months since I last posted I have settled in. Yep. I have made myself at home in this little corner of the earth known as England.

Now I know it will never be home in the same way Portland is home, but I don't think I want it to be. Portland is its own unique world. It's comforting to know that there is nowhere else quite like it, and it's there waiting for me. But this home is about me becoming integrated into a new way of life, a new way of seeing the world and even a new way of interacting with it. It's taken a few months, but I'm pretty settled into that 'newness'.

I find I automatically say something costs so many "quid" or "pounds" instead of saying "bucks" or "dollars" and having to correct myself. I say "up the road" instead of "down the street". I drink far more tea than I ever did at home, and I can tell bad tea from good now - something I never thought about much before.

There are still things I'm adjusting to, and one of the main things is grocery shopping. I still keep thinking I'll find things that I find at home, and still find myself surprised when I don't. Things like turkey sausage and buttermilk now have a fond corner of my heart that I never imagined they'd own. On the other hand, the cheese here is amazing, and I eat far more of it than is probably good for me.

Work is really great. Now that I'm getting past the "Newbie" stage and I'm fitting into my new role more and more I find that I'm really enjoying what I do. I love that I get to encourage and support people around the world who have decided to pray and see what God does. I love the stories, the excitement, the wonder and the joy that people are sharing with me and those around me in this weird and wonderful world of 24-7 Prayer. I have to say also that I really love the people I work with! They've truly made a place for me, welcomed me and made me feel loved and like I belong here. Yes, it's stretching me, but it's nothing I'm not up for!

Lastly I have to say I love the flexibility I have to spend time with people here, and how well other people  around make time for that as well. In the past month I've been from Leicestershire (in the middle) to Chichester (on the south coast) and seen friends from all over (the girl in the picture is one of my oldest friends from Portland that moved to London about 4 years ago. This was when we last hung out. We had  these amazing passionfruit drinks at  Las Iguanas, the South American restaurant in Reading). I guess when you have money you don't have time. I, on the other hand, may not have too much money,right now but I really enjoy having the time to breath and connect with people around me, and to me that's really what it's all about.

So that's what I've been up to, and why I've not been so good with the blogging. I promise to try to do better and not go two months again without making time for you as well.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sheena it feels like we are almost there with you. luv, mums

Carla said...

We love have you here :)