Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I got a fabulous new android phone that I love, and one of the things I was really excited about was that I could get an app to blog from my phone. I got a twitter app, a facebook app, numerous google apps and I found a blogger app. Unfortunately, every time I tried to post with 'Blogger-dorid' I get a failure message. After losing posts several times I finally decided it wasn't going to work and I'd have to do it the old fashioned way. Yeah...poor me. Call the waaaambulance!

By 'old fashioned' I mean pulling out my gutsy little pink laptop, taking advantage of the wifi in my house to pull up a virtual journal that can be read by millions of people across the globe, and accentuating that virtual journal entry with digital photographs more vivid and detailed than anything I ever saw growing up, and comprised of more data than any warehouse-sized computer that was state of the art when my dad started programming in the late 1970s.

It's funny what we get used to and come to expect. It's like when you get your first email address. First mobile phone. First pc. First time getting internet at home. First laptop. You wonder how you ever lived without it. I knew within five minutes of holding my adorable little Sony Ericsson Xperia x10 mini smart phone that my life would never be the same. And I have to admit that, yes, I am spoiled.

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